Friday, 13 February 2009

The Media In Practice

As part of my course for this year one of the modules I am studying is The Media In Practice. This module involves identifying an area of employment within the media that interests me, then researching in to that career and the skills I might need to gain employment in this area.
As part of this module we also have guest speakers coming in to talk to the class about the areas they work in and answer any questions we might have regarding how they came to gain employment in that particular job and help us to discover what skills we will need if we are interested in that kind of work.
So far I know that I want to work in the music industry in some way, though I have yet to pinpoint a specifc area and will be exploring this more over the coming weeks and hopefully I will eventually have decided on what it is I'd like to do, and will begin to outline how I would go about getting the job I want.

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